Results for

Official shows

Average last 10 official shows: 42.72
Average all official shows: 42.72

Show Place Points Date Comments
Official horse show competition for magical horses 1 51.5185 2017-11-12 19:15:25 Magical horse - 44.5p
Color: Brown with Blue mane and tail - 69 p
Not very common color! - 89 p (12/131) Totally wild! - 1 p Doesn't show potential to be very strong - 44 p Doesn't show potential to have very good dexterity - 49 p Have potential to be pretty fast - 50 p A somewhat funny horse
Racing competition for magical horses 1 23.7571 2017-11-08 18:00:23 Time: 3 minutes
Official horse show competition for magical horses 1 52.8736 2017-11-07 18:00:22 Magical horse - 44.5p
Color: Brown with Blue mane and tail - 69 p
Not very common color! - 88 p (14/120) Shy. Spend some more time with this one! - 28 p Doesn't show potential to be very strong - 40 p Have potential to have pretty good dexterity - 54 p Have potential to be pretty fast - 54 p A somewhat funny horse