Welcome to Dreamhorse!

The fun and easy horse game on the web

This is the game where you can breed horses and compete with them in various forms of competitions. What kind of horses will you breed?

Please leave your remarks and wishes for further development on the feedback page!

The game is and will allways be free to play. No fees. We are planning to implement ways for you to supporting the game, and for that you will get some extra features. Our aim is to never let these features affect your chances in the game.

Recent competitions

No recent competitions


Dreamhorse news

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Competition finished

2013-02-07 18:00:12

The following competition just finished:

Jumping competition for non magical horses

Congratulations to the winners, and those of you that got certifications!

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User skills

Published by Vidde at 2017-12-30 18:58

I kind of merged the request for user skills with the ones for jockeys/trainers.[...]

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Morning competitions

Published by Vidde at 2017-12-21 18:44

We are doing a trial run with morning competitions. This will mean you will have[...]

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